



title: Algorithm_ReverseWords
- Technology
- Algorithm
date: 2022-04-15 09:24#


Reverse Words in a String III#

Given a string s, reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order.

Example 1:

Input: s = "Let's take LeetCode contest"
Output: "s'teL ekat edoCteeL tsetnoc"

Example 2:

Input: s = "God Ding"
Output: "doG gniD"

Solution 1#

Split the string into an array based on whitespace, then iterate through the array and use the reversed method on each string. Finally, join the array back into a string using whitespace.


class Solution {
    func reverseWords(_ s: String) -> String {
        let list = s.components(separatedBy: " ")
        var results: [String] = []
        for str in list {
            let reverseStr = String(str.reversed())
        return results.joined(separator: " ")

Although this solution works, it does not utilize the Two Pointers algorithm. Another solution is to use Two Pointers. First, convert the string into a character array, then iterate through the array. If the current character is a whitespace, swap the elements between the previous whitespace and the current whitespace.


class Solution {
    func reverseWords(_ s: String) -> String {
        var characters = Array(s)
        var start = 0
        var end = 0
        for i in 0..<characters.count {
            let c = characters[i]
            if String(c) == " " {
                // Reverse the elements between the previous whitespace and the current whitespace
                end = i - 1 
                swapList(&characters, start, end)
                start = i + 1
        swapList(&characters, start, characters.count-1)
        return String(characters)
    func swapList(_ characters: inout [Character], _ start: Int, _ end: Int) {
        var mutStart = start
        var mutEnd = end
        while mutStart < mutEnd {
            characters.swapAt(mutStart, mutEnd)
            mutStart += 1
            mutEnd -= 1

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