


Using NewBing in Safari

NewBing has been granted permission, but I want to use NewBing in Safari because I don't want to have three browsers open every day - Safari, Chrome, and Edge - my computer's memory won't allow it...

First, let's talk about the steps:

  1. Install the Microsoft Bing for Safari plugin in Safari and log in with an account that has access to NewBing.
  2. Modify Safari's UserAgent to Edge's UserAgent.
  3. Change the default search engine to Bing.

The first step is simple, just open the store and search for the plugin to install it. After installation, open Bing and log in with an account that has access to NewBing.

The second step is a bit tricky. Most of the search results online suggest opening Safari -> Develop -> User Agent -> Microsoft Edge, as shown in the following image:
Modify UserAgent in Safari

However, this method only works for the current tab. When you open a new page, it fails, and you have to set it separately for each new tab. It's impossible to do that. So is there a way to permanently set Safari's UserAgent?

Of course, there is. The method is as follows. After setting it, the UserAgent will remain the same every time you open a new page.

Permanently set Safari's UserAgent

defaults write com.apple.Safari CustomUserAgent "\"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.78\""

If you want to restore Safari's original UserAgent, you can use the following method to set it.

defaults delete com.apple.Safari CustomUserAgent

Finally, change the default search engine to Bing, and you can enjoy using NewBing in Safari.

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