


Software Exam Sharing


In order to settle down, I registered for the Soft Exam - System Integration Project Management Engineer in March. The results came out yesterday, and I passed. Here, I will share my experience.


First, I had to decide what to take the exam for, and then consider how to prepare for it.

When deciding what to take the exam for, I had to consider my own situation. After considering various options, I finally chose to become a System Integration Project Management Engineer because it met the requirements for settling down. I can take the advanced exam after passing the intermediate exam.

Then, the question was how to prepare for the exam. Since I didn't consider self-study, I had to choose a training class. I looked at websites like Hisai and 51CTO, but they were all expensive, costing thousands of yuan. Later, I saw someone recommend Teacher Jiangshan. They said that for the intermediate exam, I should watch Teacher Jiangshan's videos, and for the advanced exam, I could spend a little over a hundred yuan to buy video courses. So I searched and found that the intermediate exam videos were only 99 yuan, and I could get a refund within a month. I bought them and planned to give it a try.

As for books, Teacher Jiangshan recommended buying a book. I spent a lot of money (39 yuan) to buy a book, but I haven't opened it yet because it's too thick. I don't recommend buying it.

Study Steps:

Every day on my way to and from work, I watched the videos I bought. I started with the detailed explanations, then did the practice questions, followed by the calculation questions, and finally the sprint videos. I only watched the detailed explanations once to get a general idea, watched the practice questions once, and watched the calculation questions twice. Then, I printed out a few pages of materials and memorized them. Finally, I watched the sprint videos once.

Another important aspect is doing practice questions. Teacher Jiangshan has his own mini program, but I used another one called "Soft Exam Question King". I think it's pretty good. When I was using this mini program, I even had the idea of turning it into an app... but I couldn't get the API data, which is a pity.

Lastly, another benefit of spending money is that I could join a group. On the day of the exam, there would be predictions for the exam questions at noon. If I was lucky enough to get the predicted questions, it would be a great advantage...


Finally, I want to share the recorded video materials for the System Integration Project Management Engineer. If you need them, you can take a look. However, if you can afford it, I recommend joining a training class. The price has now increased to 118 yuan, and the biggest advantage of joining a training class is getting the predicted questions for the entire day on the day of the exam...

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